
OneArmed, actually Alex Wegman in real life, is a drummer and producer from the Netherlands. He was born in Salzburg, Austria, but now lives in Alkmaar. Ever since he was little, music was always his passion and ultimately his dream was to make music his fulltime job. He mostly played the guitar, but piano, organ, keyboard and drums were also part of his many musical capabilities.

In July of 2008, something happened that changed his life completely. He was diagnosed with bone cancer in his left arm and in October of the same year he had to choose between his arm and his life.

In fact, it was no choice.

Since that moment he went through life with only one arm, but he wouldn’t let music go. He started to find new ways to play and make music, like playing the drums with one arm.

Once he put some videos on Youtube under the name “OneArmed”, he got overwhelmed by many great comments. That gave him the strength and motivation to go on and besides drumming he started playing the bass guitar and discovered producing of his own music. 

After graduating as an E-musician from the Conservatory of Music in Haarlem, OneArmed is now working on his career as a professional musician and producer. His dream is to show the world his passion and to share his music as a live act in clubs. For OneArmed giving up is never an option and he is willing to fulfill his dream no matter what. 


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